Watch out Palo Alto!!! I'll be coming home soon! |
Alouette, nice bird, I'm going to pluck you
First I'll pluck your head (x 2)
And the head, and the head
Alouette, nice bird, I'm going to pluck you
Next I'll pluck your beak (x2)
You get the picture. For those of you aware of my bird-phobia, you'll understand that this is now one of my favorite songs :)
I've let a month go by since my last post and lots of stuff has happenned. Conor turned one, we spent an amazing week in Italy, a few of my friends and I ran a 10K, Saleema and Donovan came to visit, and IRCAD hosted a work party the likes of which one would not see at your average US work party.
Work Party Franco-Brazilian Style:
This weekend we went to a party hosted by James' work to celebrate the opening of an IRCAD in Brazil. The theme, naturally, was Carnival and the invitation encouraged everyone to deck themsleves out in feathers, beads, ruffles, and - judging by the scantily clad women on the invitation - sequined bikinis were totally acceptable.
In lieu of sequined bikinis, James and I wore green and yellow masks and boas that I got at a costume shop just down the street from our apartment. Here we are with James' co-worker Silvana:
You can't see it in the above picture but the silky jumpsuit I wore was, for me, a bit risky for a work party. However, the most scantily clad person at the party came in a loin cloth. Check it out:
This costume assuaged any fears I had about coming in a silky, strapless jumpsuit. Unlike the work parties I've been to in the US, this party was as rocking as many a wedding I've been to and the DJ and dancing was still going strong when we left at 2 am!
Sallie and Donovan Visit:
Saleema and Donovan came to visit last week but, unfortunately, I have no pictures to share. It was really really nice to see Saleema since, other than Jordan, I haven't seen any of the UCLA crew since last August. It was even nicer to get to see her and Conor hanging out. Sallie was really cute with him :) Donovan, however, is Conor's new best friend. The two of them really hit it off. Conor especially enjoyed challenging Donovan to sword fights with his nerf sword ... en garde!
Course de Strasbourg:
Two weekends ago Strasbourg hosted a half-marathon and 10K race that started at the European Parliment, snaked through the center of town and then ended back at the starting line. Even though my runs these days barely break the thirty minute mark, I signed up because a couple of my friends were running as well. It was a beautiful day for a run. Here are the runners pre-race:
Of course Conor came to cheer us on (James would have come too but he was in Boston for the weekend at Geoff and Jamie's wedding):
On a good note, I did the 10K in just under my goal of 1 hour (58 minutes). On a bad note, I kept running even though I started experiencing rather bad IT band pain at around kilometer 5. Does anyone know of a good sports physical therapist in Palo Alto ... I'm going to need one!
The hands down highlight of the last month was our amazing vacation to Italy. We cannot thank the Curran's enough for generously letting us stay at their gorgeous Italian villa that is nestled on a gorgeous hill above a terraced vineyard, overlooking a view of the meditarranean one one side and a medieval village on the other ... are you jealous yet!!
James and I both accomplished two important goals on this trip. First, James successfully kept my AA (activity anxiety ... see prior post) in check and we spent nearly the entire week relaxing at the house instead of venturing out to explore neighboring towns, find ruins, sample local food, check out each beach, search out guide-book recommended trailheads and scenic vantage points ... I think you get the picture. We genuinely chilled out and it was fantastic. Here's a picture of James and Conor genuinely chilling out:
Second, I accomplished my life long goal of cooking homemade pizza in a genuine wood-burning, brick oven. Yes ... the Curran's have a wood-burning, brick oven! Luckily, I had a pizza dough recipe from Christy Moore saved on my computer because we had no access to the internet or my trusty pizza cookbook. Despite using yeast that was meant for pastries, we whipped up the following specimens that, I dare say, would win any pizza night competition hands-down.
Listen, proper pizza cooking requires frumpy attire. |
Piece de la resistance |
Conor Update:
Conor ... One Year Old!
Mr. Man turned one year old on April 21st and we threw him a raging party with all his friends. His favorite gift, by far, is his new bike that Vivian, Michele and Parag got for him. He loves to ride it around town and wave at everyone who passes by. Here's the bike:
I chose to post this picture, specifically, because I think my hair looks good :) |
Fairwell to Max
Conor learned one of life's hard lessons this week. That is, good friends can sometimes move away. His buddy, Max, had to move to Madrid with his parents, Patrick and Teresia. Here's Conor giving Max a goodbye hug:
We'll miss you Max (and Teresia and Patrick).
The good 'ole times |
Maybe you hadn't heard, but its father-son Madras shorts wearing season.