Monday, October 25, 2010

La Vie En Rose (really in "pink")

I'll start this posting with a Conor Update:

First, the bad news.  I dropped Conor off at "La Creche" (a.k.a. daycare) this morning and toute etait bien (all was well).  Around lunchtime, I got a call that something was wrong.  I couldn't totally understand but it sounded like something was wrong with his eye.  Something that sounded a lot like "conjunctivitis."  Isn't that pinkeye, I wondered.  Indeed it is.  The poor guy has a case of pinkeye in his right eye.  We have to apply eye drops and this orange ointment which he hates.

Additionally, all day at work people were telling James how tired he looked.  He thought it was strange because we had an incredibly mellow Sunday and both of us got a great night's sleep.  After looking in the mirror, he thinks he also has pinkeye in both eyes! I'm sure my pinkeye isn't far behind. 

Second, the good news.  While we were at the pediatrician's getting all the pinkeye medications, the pediatrician discovered that two teeth broke through.  I'm a little concerned because they do not appear to be coming in straight.  Maybe I shouldn't be surprised considering Conor's British heritage and my own long history of dental issues.  I'm also concerned about what this will soon mean for breastfeeding and biting!  So ... maybe this isn't such good news (for me at least). 

In other news, while Conor was apparently in the throes of teething, the three of us spent Friday night and Saturday in Zurich.  Our friend Parag came along as well.  Here's a pic of Parag:

We only spent about 24 hours in Zurich so I don't have much insight into the city, its people, or Switzerland in general.  We decided to go because James and the other IRCAD (where James works) fellows had a meeting on Friday at Karl Storz - an endoscope company located in BFE Germany.  Zurich is less than 2 hours from Karl Storz so, we figured, why not check it out.

We had to get up pretty early on Friday to make it to Karl Storz and James had offered to give some of the other fellows a ride.  Much to our (my) horror, our car had been utterly violated during the night by a flock of pigeons:

This picture barely does the carnage justice.  Bird shit was everywhere - on the door handles, in the windows, everywhere!  And, I'm positive it wasn't there the night before.  Furthermore, I've since walked by other cars parked in the same spot and none have been shit on like this.  Could it be some sort of bird conspiracy?  Just something to think about ...

Anyway, back to Zurich.  Like I said, only being in a city for 24 hours is not enough to really form any opinions.  Its definitely a very beautiful city.  The lake is framed in the background by huge, snow-covered mountains (I assume these were the Alps but I'm too lazy to confirm this with what would probably be a 20-second google search).  Here are a couple pics:

Conor looked especially cute during our walk in his fur lined jacket:

In addition to cruising around the lake, we tasted some excellent cookies at a famous chocolate shop.  We did not taste any chocolates because the cookies looked too good to pass up.  We also ate some delicious Lebanese and Italian food.  I guess that bring up one of my issues with Switzerland ... is there Swiss cuisine other than chocolate and fondue?  Also, Switzerland is very expensive.  From the exorbitant prices, designer boutiques and multiple Bentley's we saw around town, its obvious the Swiss have money.  But, do they have any personality? Any culture.  Again, 24 hours was too short a time to tell. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sorry to hear about the pinkeye. I am sure they told you how contagious it is. Remember to practice good hand-washing techniques. Two teeth- amazing! Baby teeth appear to come in crooked but they will straighten out as they continue to emerge. You always had perfectly straight teeth (albeit one missing) so don't start worrying about orthodontia bills yet. (Although it wouldn't hurt to start saving now.) As for your car, I think it gives new meaning to "homing pigeons" as they probably had a sense of unappreciation on your part and were just sending you a message! Beautiful pictures. Miss you all.
